Painting of Nenad Stanković – Lavender is a typical example of Stanković’s creativity. He is known for his futuristic and surreal paintings. His paintings with floating objects such as sailboats are especially noteworthy.
This work of art, painted with oil on canvas. Dimensions are 51 x 22 cm (without frame) and 63 x 34 cm (with frame). The price of Nenad Stanković’s painting – Lavender is with the frame. The frame of Nenad Stanković – Lavender is adapted to the picture. The frame is mother-of-pearl with a silver slip, and the passe-partout is a thin purple slip. The frame is selected with style and in accordance with the colors in the picture. This artist of modern works has been showing exceptional talent for years and works with great passion.
Nenad Stanković is one of the most prominent representatives of contemporary Serbian idealism. Nenad Stanković’s painting goes beyond visible reality. His imagination allows him to transfer simplicity from the visible to the invisible in his path of painting. As well as from the real to the surreal and from the existing to the fantastic. He is a painter of poetic fantasy.
First appearance on the art scene in 1977 in Arandjelovac at the exhibition Marble and Sound. He graduated in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in 1990. He has been a member of ULUS since 1991. He is a member of the association of fine artists ESNAF. He has exhibited several times in the country and abroad at numerous group and solo exhibitions. Painted two churches in Noćaj near Sremska Mitrovica and on Đurovo brdo near Prijepolje (with an iconostasis). Awarded several times: commendation at the October Salon in Šabac in 1982, Charter at the Belgrade Salon in Progres Gallery in 2007. Stankovic is an assistant professor – full professor at the Edukons University at the Academy of Classical Painting and teaches the subject Painting Technology.
The painting by Nenad Stanković – Lavender comes with a certificate of authenticity and originality. This makes it an ideal choice for art lovers looking for original works of art. So get ready to be mesmerized by this beautiful piece of art. Add a touch of sophistication to your space with Nenad Stanković’s painting – Lavender