
Dragan Paunović


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  • He was born in 1981 in Majdanpek.
    • Education: a graduate of fine arts.
    • Exhibitions:
    Group exhibitions of paintings in the Cultural Center Studentski grad, Belgrade, 2005, 2006
    Solo exhibition of illustrations, SKC, Belgrade, 2007.
    Solo exhibition of illustrations, Cultural Center Rex, Belgrade, 2009.
    Solo exhibition of comics, SKC, Belgrade, 2011.
    Participant of the annual exhibition of the strip workshop Đorđe Lobačev, SKC, Belgrade, 2009, 2010, 2011.
    Participant of the International comic book festival in Belgrade, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
    Participant of the Balkan look of young strip authors, Leskovac, 2009, 2010
    • Prizes:
    Jury Award for Best Drawing, International strip festival, Belgrade, 2008.
    Sponsorship awards, International strip festival, Belgrade, 2006, 2007, 2008
    • Published works:
    Illustrated biography by Nikola Tesla “The electric wizard”, SKC, Belgrade, 2007.
    Short comic book “Dum dum” in the anthology of the comic book “Novi Srpski strip”, Komiko, Novi Sad, 2010.
    Comic album “Family Dardaneli”, System Comics, Belgrade, 2011.
    Illustrations for a book on the Vlachian mythology “Romani din Timoc astali fiinte mitologice”, Paideia, Bucharest, 2011.
    Comic album “Constantine’s Crossroads”, System comics, Belgrade, 2012.
    • Paunović, who was educated in painting, used his acquired education to apply his art and made it available to innumerable consumers, enriching every illustrative task with a stylized style and strong emotions that resonate at a deeper cognitive level. Uncompromising and self-confident, it also continuously studies, and this developmental path is apparent as an act of violence, but even more in a comic book. In the ninth art, through the successful workshops “Family Dardaneli” and “Constantine Crossroads”, as well as their own short stories and the latest collaboration with the French scriptwriter Dobsom, the “Line Front” anthology took the position of one of the most prolific and high quality drawings that, in spite of the trends of this specific scene, is created and published in Serbia.
    • The preferred techniques they use – a pencil (even a pen), shower, tempera, acrylic, and the arts that show in each of them are another proof of Paunović’s expression. His green-black combinations, the roots of the examining which turn into tissues and organs, his festive warriors and mysterious men in suits, and finally, his monsters, some transparent intrusive, honey hidden in cluttered lips and reflections of the eyes, all this together surrounds the author’s world, and these illustrations are just windows in it. In order to move a step further, imagination and a little spell are needed, which are keyly offered to us in the kaleidoscope of the dark tones of Paunovic’s entire work. ”
    • He currently lives and works in France.


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